Odaberite predmet:
Category: Playstation
📌 TAG: Gamepad, Kontroler, Playstation, Saveti, Self-help
📎 Izvor: Benchmark.rs
📌 TAG: Free giveaways, Games, Gaming, Playstation, Sony
📎 Izvor: Benchmark.rs
📌 TAG: Playstation, Zanimljivosti
📎 Izvor: Smartlife.mondo.rs
PlayStation kontroleri sada imaju podršku za povezivanje na Steam igre za PC
Petra 21/11/2023
📌 TAG: Games, Gaming, Playstation, Steam
📎 Izvor: Benchmark.rs
PlayStation je objavio trejler remaster verzije igre The Last of Us Part II
Petra 20/11/2023
📌 TAG: Games, Gaming, Playstation, Sony
📎 Izvor: Benchmark.rs
📌 TAG: Playstation, Sony
📎 Izvor: Smartlife.story.hr
📌 TAG: Playstation, Sony
📎 Izvor: Smartlife.mondo.rs
📌 TAG: Playstation, Sony
📎 Izvor: Smartlife.story.hr
PlayStation Plus pretplata poskupljuje do 35 posto, trenutno bez novih pogodnosti
Petra 31/08/2023
📌 TAG: Playstation, Sony, Zanimljivosti iz sveta tehnologije 2023.
📎 Izvor: Benchmark.rs
📌 TAG: Playstation
📎 Izvor: Smartlife.story.hr
📌 TAG: Games, Playstation, Playstation 6
📎 Izvor: Preporucamo.com
📌 TAG: Playstation, VR
📎 Izvor: 24sata.hr